Talkestan Educational Platform

Talkestan is an emerging online learning community platform with a mission to connect students eager to learn with experienced tutors and educators who are passionate about sharing their expertise. They aim to revolutionize the learning experience by offering a seamless platform for students to discover courses and book personalized 1:1 sessions.

Client :
Date :
September 1, 2023
Category :
Product Development
Location :
Sydney Australia
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Our Approach:

  1. Platform Development: We collaborated with Talkestan to design and develop the learning platform from scratch. This involved creating an intuitive user interface, robust course listings, and secure booking functionality.
  2. Custom Calendar Module: We implemented a custom calendar module, allowing students to schedule 1:1 sessions with tutors seamlessly and complete payments within the platform.
  3. Go-to-Market Strategy: We worked with Talkestan to define effective go-to-market strategies, including user acquisition, marketing, and initial outreach to attract students and tutors.
  4. Long-Term Digital Strategy: Our team assisted Talkestan in formulating a comprehensive long-term digital strategy, encompassing expansion, user engagement, and continuous platform enhancement.


  • Bespoke Learning Platform: Talkestan's learning platform was built from the ground up, offering an intuitive, user-friendly environment for both students and tutors.
  • Custom Calendar Module: The integration of the custom calendar module enabled seamless session scheduling and secure payments, enhancing the user experience.
  • Go-to-Market Success: Talkestan implemented effective go-to-market strategies, resulting in an increasing number of students and tutors joining the platform.
  • Long-Term Vision: With a well-defined long-term digital strategy, Talkestan was poised for future growth, platform enhancement, and a sustained presence in the online learning space.

Conclusion:Talkestan's journey began with a vision to revolutionize online learning. Through our partnership, we helped them take the crucial first steps by developing a bespoke learning platform, implementing a custom calendar module, and formulating go-to-market and long-term digital strategies. Together, we set the foundation for their continued growth and success in the dynamic world of online education.

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